Thursday, November 22, 2012


Every year, I am thankful for my parents.  I am thankful for their unconditional support and love.

I am always thankful for my friends.  I'm very lucky to still have many of the same friends I've had since kindergarten as well as many friends I made in college.

I'm thankful for my health, my job, and my happiness.  But this year, I've come to realize that the reason I can be thankful for all of those things is because of one man.

 This year, above everything else, I am especially thankful for my boyfriend, Mike.  I have had the courage to lead the most fulfilling and exciting life over the past three years because of him.  We met when I was in college [I was his sister's roommate, actually], and we started dating during my junior year.  Since then, he has given me the support to finish college, start and thrive in an unexpected and rewarding career, and move to a new place.

This guy would follow me to the ends of the earth. [Quite literally, actually, as in the coming years we hope to move to Florida or somewhere in the south so I can grow my career.]  I cannot wait and see what our journey has in store for us.  

Because of him, my family has also grown exponentially.  Each and every one of his family members have welcomed me into their family and coming from a VERY small family, I am so happy to become a part of theirs.  I was so lucky to spend this Thanksgiving with them.

I am so happy AND THANKFUL that we have each other and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
I can't wait to share a few of my recipe desserts seen here [Mike and I were in charge of dessert]

Mike and his lovely goddaughter, Maya

Maya and her brothers

It was also her 5th birthday!


Sarah said...

That picture of you and Mike is really sweet! Looks like you did a good job with the dessert! ;)

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